
Control4 CA-10 Controller

The Control4 CA-10 Controller is a high-capacity, enterprise-grade controller designed for managing extensive and complex smart home or commercial automation systems. As the most powerful controller in the Control4 lineup, the CA-10 is engineered for maximum performance, reliability, and scalability. It is an ideal choice for demanding installations in large homes, commercial properties, or any scenario where enterprise-grade automation and centralised control are required. With its comprehensive feature set and high reliability, the CA-10 ensures seamless and efficient management of the most sophisticated smart home systems.
High-Capacity Processing and Reliability

Quad-Core Processor: The CA-10 is powered by a quad-core processor, providing exceptional processing power to handle the most demanding automation tasks. This ensures rapid response times and efficient operation across large networks of devices.

Redundant Power Supplies and Network Interfaces: To ensure continuous operation, the CA-10 features redundant power supplies and network interfaces. This design minimises the risk of system downtime due to hardware failures.

Enterprise-Grade Automation

Massive Device Support: The CA-10 is designed to support hundreds of connected devices, making it ideal for large homes and commercial installations.

Extensive Multi-Zone Control: Capable of managing multiple zones, the CA-10 allows for centralised control over large properties, including audio/video distribution, lighting, climate systems, security, and more.

Advanced Networking and Connectivity

Enhanced Networking Capabilities: The controller includes multiple Gigabit Ethernet ports and advanced network management features, ensuring robust and reliable connectivity for extensive installations.
Comprehensive Audio/Video Management

Multi-Zone AV Distribution: The controller supports extensive multi-zone audio and video distribution, providing centralised control over media playback in different areas of a large home or commercial space.

Robust Security Features

Integrated Security Management: The CA-10 integrates with security systems, cameras, and sensors, providing a comprehensive security solution. Users can manage locks, view live feeds, and receive alerts from a centralised interface.

Customisable Alerts and Monitoring: Users can receive alerts for various security events, ensuring they stay informed and can respond quickly to any issues.

Scalability and Extensibility

Modular Design: The CA-10 is designed to accommodate system expansion, supporting additional devices and systems as needed. This makes it a future-proof choice for growing installations.

Customisable Interfaces:
The system offers customisable control interfaces, including touchscreens, mobile apps, and remotes, allowing users to tailor the experience to their needs.
Remote Access and Voice Control

Control4 App Integration: The CA-10 can be controlled remotely using the Control4 app, providing access to the system from anywhere in the world.*

*Control4 4Sight license required for access outside of the local network.

Voice Assistant Compatibility: The controller supports integration with voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, enabling voice commands for easy control of smart home functions.

Benefits and Use Cases

Unmatched Performance for Large Installations: The CA-10 is ideal for large residential or commercial properties, where managing a vast number of devices and zones is required.

High Reliability: Features like redundant power supplies and network interfaces ensure the system remains operational, even in the event of hardware failures.

Centralised Control and Monitoring: The CA-10 provides a centralised platform for managing all aspects of a smart home or commercial automation system, from AV to security.

Scalability: Its capacity to support thousands of devices and extensive systems makes it perfect for growing installations and future expansion needs.
Control4 is a cutting-edge solution for those looking to integrate and automate various aspects of their living spaces. The system's flexibility, scalability, and compatibility with a wide range of third-party devices make it an ideal choice for creating a truly connected and intelligent home environment. Whether it’s for convenience, security, energy efficiency, or entertainment, Control4 offers comprehensive and customisable solutions to enhance the quality of life in any home.